Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 32 and 33 - The Subject

I ended up with a non functioning brick since I left my CF card at home - I've GOT to get another card - took really LOUSY pictures at the dinner we were hosting because I need help interpreting the Greek in the SB600 flash manual. So I waited till yesterday and it was a BEAUTIFUL cold day here. I actually wore a sweater - LOL

Here's my faithful subject - he usually ends up getting his picture taken because he never tires of hitting balls. I actually got him at impact. He does end up appreciating my photography because he is working on changing his swing (why when his old one was fine) and he can really see what he wants to work on with these shots.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 31 - Tripod Helps

Happy Valentines Day!

I'm feeling much better - especially after the scare I gave myself with my back last night. Went to the PT and she says I'm fine and still good to go for adventuring - that was my valentine present.

I started playing with the flowers DH gave me. Tripod makes all the difference in the world.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Day 30 - Made It!

Got the blogger crud again and feel really lousy but wanted to show something for the 30 days. So stealing from Margie.

Will comment later when I feeling better.

Thanks for the challenge!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Day 29 - An Attempt

Here's a macro attempt - it was nice and rained for me so I didn't have to grab the water bottle but it was too muddy for the tripod - and this needed it or else I can't hold this camera still enough or both.

Hopefully the skies will clear up tonight for a decent day 30 picture.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 28 - ATTACK

This is my attack bird. He stands perched at the top of the stairs guarding my house. He's guarded my house for over 15 years when I "earned" bird from my dad's collection of "things" he's created and carved. Bird is one of his earliest carved pieces.

Why did I take a picture of bird - because I was complaining yesterday - so 2 manuals and a book later - I did figure out how to use my flash off my camera and I really like the result of this. (standing on stairs shooting above my head holding a flash)

I did an assignment for another class but thought it was rather boring so I share with you my eclectic taste and my pet BIRD.